On the Beach

by Samara Fae on 9:31 PM

At dawn, bare footed, viewing as far as eyes can reach,
The water's edge advances and recedes along the beach.
Before me I see a carpet of half-buried shells of sea-creatures,
Tide washed and rippled in sodden sand along the beach.

I move, exploring, sodden sand oozing between my toes,
Beyond me the wavelets breaking on the sand along the beach.

Behind me, my wandering trail is blurred and indistinct,
As the water's edge advances and recedes along the beach.

At mid-day, on the soft dry sand behind the water's edge,
Undressed worshippers lie in the sun that beats down along the beach.

At night, the moon's reflection at the water's edge,
Resembles sea serpents playing in the wavelets along the beach.

A Poem by Michael Williams

Of the waves, the foam, and the beach.

Meet Princess, the Little FHM Model

Photos taken at White Haven Beach Resort, Gumasa Glan, Sarangani Province; May 2008
On Photos: Dyan Joy Buenavista, Bren Buenavista, Princess Liane Decrepito and Yours Truly
4 Response to 'On the Beach'
  1. Nyl
    http://eye-screams.blogspot.com/2008/07/on-beach.html?showComment=1217405160000#c1674570328530515858'> July 30, 2008 at 4:06 PM

    i like that poem. nice shots! nice silhouettes.:)


  2. Bloom
    http://eye-screams.blogspot.com/2008/07/on-beach.html?showComment=1217662020000#c8907882059642778472'> August 2, 2008 at 3:27 PM

    aba. the little FHM model has the stand. haha. cute. :)


  3. Anonymous
    http://eye-screams.blogspot.com/2008/07/on-beach.html?showComment=1218670560000#c7091818776228192097'> August 14, 2008 at 7:36 AM

    hi very cool pics and i know this is in mindanao. i've been there c: can i grab this pic and post it in 1 of my articles about mindanao?


  4. Samara Fae
    http://eye-screams.blogspot.com/2008/07/on-beach.html?showComment=1218714900000#c8087886847215468894'> August 14, 2008 at 7:55 PM

    Ahaha.. Thanks for commenting. @iceah, nope, i don't mind you grabbing my pix. Linking me back is good enough a credit for me. :p